The Most Solemn Trust
by Rich Farm
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” ~ Samuel Adams founding father
“But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.” ~ Matthew 25:18
We are now days away from the biggest responsibility of our nation; the election on November 5th. One of our founding Fathers Samuel Adams said, “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” To me this means it can be the most selfless act. This is a time to weigh the candidates and make a judgment as to who will best lead this nation into peace and prosperity and get this country back on track. To unite this citizenship together with a love for country and love for each other. When one candidate and their party and been hell bent on dividing this nation over race (DEI projects) and economic status (class warfare—communism), and the other is crossing all communities both in race and economic status. This same one focusing on uniting is also focus on bringing this country back from being a joke to the rest of the world.
We need to see this act of voting as a sacred act. We are choosing someone who will set the tone for the next four years or possibly for the rest of what would be left of this nation we were entrusted with. We should see this not only as a duty but also as a privilege. How many nations in the world don’t get that right to vote? Our founders sacrificed everything for this nation, they were selfless. They gave up their fortunes and were in danger of treason (punishable by death) to start this country of freedom. I think we may be in this same position with the current state of the nation. We need our leaders to start seeing leading this nation as a duty and not a way to profit off the position. All we need to do is watch the track record of both running. Where one administration has proven transactions of self-gain at the expense of the American people and another previous administration who had love for nation and even donated their salary when they served. That alone should help us to decide, America first or other nations first.
We also need to be selfless in the sense that we are not just voting for our current situations, but we are voting for the future. We need to see this as part of our destiny. We have to understand we play a part in the bigger picture of God’s will. We need to understand that our founders made a covenant with the Father of Heaven and it is time for us to renew that covenant. We are the Esthers of our time, and we were created and placed for such a time as this. To not vote is to be silent in what is going on and now is not a time for silence, now is the time for action. We need to see this for the coming generations. What type of country are we going to leave to them with this election? Whether we realize it or not we are setting forth a legacy for them. What kind of legacy will we leave?
Last, I do want to address us believers. We first and foremost have a duty to our God but our God has given us this nation to steward. How do we steward if we choose to not take part in this as Adams put it, “the most solemn trust”? We have a duty to vote in alignment with our King of Heaven. To vote biblical values, and not based on our feelings. There are some that will refuse to vote for someone because they are “mean”, yet they will vote for someone who has beliefs that are an abomination to our King. We are called to be salt and light to influence this nation and persuade them to our King. If you are not able to do that right now with the freedom we still have, how many of you will stand for truth and the light if we come under a communistic rule and are shut down from shining our light?
My fear is many will put their light under their basket to protect themselves, but in reality, you are heaping judgment on yourselves for valuing your own comfort over your service to the King of Heaven. I implore you if you are a believer, you have a duty to know truth and vote righteously. If you are willing to vote for the termination of life, dare I say it is questionable on what faith you actually believe and what god you actually serve. Dietrich Boenhoffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Will you be one of the good servants or will you be the wicked one in Matthew 25 who did not act? Repent while you still have time for it is running short, and act and vote righteously.
In Pursuit of America’s True Interests
by Susan Snelling
Most of you reading this have already voted in this election or are about to on election day. You have already made your decision on who to vote for. The selection is clear between the top of the tickets and most candidates down-ballot. One side is for the Constitution and the other side has a history of having little regard for the Constitution and the laws of the land yet projects onto the pro-Constitution side their own sins and agenda. They attempt to cover up their agenda through word games, slanders, and lies yet reveal their true plans through their accusations. They’ve tried just about everything from lies and lawfare even including the unthinkable. The contrast is so drastic it is almost inconceivable that one hasn’t made up their mind yet who should receive their vote.
It is crucial in all times but especially now that voters ask themselves this important question: Who can be trusted to public office? Although the Founding Fathers warned that there must be a degree of distrust with all public servants, since power can lead to corruption, there are safeguards in place to reduce that possibility; a virtuous people who choose wise leaders that promote the virtues of America. Without either of those the Constitution cannot secure liberty or happiness for the people.Samuel Adams answered the question regarding who Americans should elect to office when he wrote: Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man.
Based on Samuel Adam’s assessment, it does not matter about the Constitution when the people, who are the fount of power in America, are corrupt. A corrupt people are not apt to choose wise and virtuous leaders, and if they do, the people’s own corruption will do in a free nation. The issue of virtue comes up over and over again in the Founding documents and the Constitution is based on the people being moral, honorable, trustworthy, a people who love America. A Representative Republic is only for a moral people. One must examine which candidates and political party best exemplify these virtues the Founders embraced and found to be essential in leaders to ensure liberty. Just saying the right things as happens in political theater does not mean the person is the right one for the job. Their talk of liberty must be seen in their actions and their virtue. It must be more than just talk and it must not be a front to get elected and then oppress the people. Adams realizes mistakes are made and people fall for someone who has deceived them in this way, but honorable citizens must do their best to elect the wise and the upstanding to office.
The only person who can be trusted for public office are those, as Adam’s wrote, who pursue the true interests of their country; whose fidelity has been tried and who have been proven to be firm and unshaken. That should be the standard for who we can trust. No election time conversions to Constitutional principles or lifelong anti-Constitution and then sudden “the voice of the people”, buying their way into political office through manipulation of the peoples’ anger and frustrations, using catch-phrases that play on people’s emotions with no real substance. Anger breeds mistakes in judgment and this can be particularly harmful to the entire country when this is the lens through which officials are selected at election time. The entire nation and world depend on the American people basing their selection on the right principles.
Whoever wins or has won this important election (depending on when you read this) the selection by the people is dependent on the spiritual and moral condition of the people. You can gauge the barometer of America’s spiritual health by the outcome of the election. (I wrote about the barometer of America’s condition in a previous article). Always understand that our Constitution is only as good as the virtue of the American people. A Biblical foundation sets the stage to avoid the deception by politicians and the cooperating media. Outright lies and twisting of the facts have assaulted the American people in this election. The deception is so blatant it is incredibly obvious. A moral people select office holders who best reflect timeless virtue. Heed the advice of our Founders like Samuel Adams so that America will continue to be (or once again be) the shining city on a hill.