Discernment is Needed



by Rich Farm


… guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge.” ~ 1 Tim 6:20

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. ~ Joseph Goebells


How can one person view reality differently from another?  How is it that one is able to “see” U.F.O’s, ghosts, and hear voices and others are not?  Why can some see angels and others not?  See we all take information in constantly through our senses.  We are constantly seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing.  This is the way our mind gathers information.  We are sense-oriented creatures, yet our senses can be fooled.  Many of the above witness these things because they are open to them.  They have set their reality based on the knowledge they have acquired that they have believed to be true.  Any knowledge that we perceive to be true, but is not, becomes a false filter for future knowledge, which in turn allows more lies to come in.  The key word here is perception.  Perceive means to “attain awareness or understanding; to regard as being such” (www.merriam-webster.com).  So, if the information being presented is false so will the understanding be false.

What we allow into our minds and allow ourselves to believe is what becomes our reality, even if it is not true reality.  “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is…” (Proverbs 23:7a).  This is where the enemy tries to get us.  He tries to deceive us into seeing things from his perception and not God’s reality. If our enemy can use someone to get people to perceive what is true, even if it is not true, they have attained a great victory.  The moment you buy into something that is false it will automatically open you up to believing more and more lies.  We will act based on whatever we believe to be true, and as stated by many, “garbage in, garbage out”.  If we have been programmed to believe lies then our perception of reality is based on those lies and not the truth as God delivered it.

So, in order to deprogram the garbage we have believed, we must become a lover of truth and truth only.  It is the truth that will break the bondages that the lies have created in our lives.  The way we work is to test all information to see if it is logical or not, and if we see it to be logical, we then write it on the tablets of our hearts, thereby cementing it into our beliefs.  We are also moved by emotions and instant gratification.  We don’t want to work hard to think through things but are willing to allow others to think for us.  It seems to be human nature to just take the easy way out of things.  Governments know this, marketers know this, and they exploit us because we can’t seem to figure this out.

Another way to exploit this is mass media propaganda.  We have a one-sided view of things coming through media, arts and entertainment, and education.  As stated in the above quote by Goebells, what better way to propagate a “big” lie than through these three media sources? This means there is no countering viewpoint in the mainstream because they want you to think a certain way, they want you to rely on them to tell you what the truth is, and just believe it.  We absolutely have to keep this in mind and be on our guard.  With midterms around the corner, we have to be discerning of what truth really is, and who is out for our best interests.   When one side controls the information, we have to be all the more diligent to research for ourselves to figure things out.  It will take some work on our part.  We have to remove ourselves from this instant easy mentality we have bought into.

We need to be more diligent to look past the distractions and see what they are doing behind the scenes to manipulate us and take our rights away.  They distract us with the Kardashians, or Brad Pitt wearing a dress all the while they are passing red flag laws to limit what types of guns we can own or even continue to own.  We have to be smarter than this.  It should tell you all you need to know if you have all the mainstream media sources repeating the same scripts verbatim.  We have all been given a brain to weigh and judge.  We need to use it, and the only way to do that is to hear all sides of a particular argument.  If you are only feeding one side into your brain, it is called indoctrination, not education.  When we are indoctrinated into a particular way of thinking our critical thinking muscles become weaker and weaker.  We must become lovers of truth, even if we don’t like what we hear at first.  We must be willing to wrestle with these things.

Look at the stuff we have been fed over the last two years about “the vid” alone.  Stories have changed throughout, as have requirements.  It has just recently come out that Dr. Birx who worked with Fauci, has admitted to lying and manipulating numbers to continue to push their agenda.  However, many Americans do not know this because they only listen to the one-sided media, and with them being corrupt they only put out what they want you to hear and believe.  As I said above, we have a midterm coming up and we have to be diligent to do our due research.  We have to be wise to the previous election and what happened.  There is already talk of chimp disease becoming a more serious issue just before the next season of elections.  How convenient, for sake of mail-in ballots and maybe even future lock-downs again.  We have to understand it will be hard work to sort truth from fiction and be willing to do the hard work to reach a truthful conclusion.




The Beast of the Branches (A Barometer of the People)



by Susan Snelling


The administrative state is an assault on constitutional principles—government by consent, the separation of powers, and the rights of individuals—that liberals and conservatives hold dear. Joseph Postell (2012)


The Founding Fathers designed the Republic with a separation of powers in three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. These branches are to operate as checks and balances to prevent constitutional abuses of power leading to tyranny.  This system of governance cannot be taken for granted and it requires a citizenry that is watchful. An unintended consequence of a lack of vigilance (and virtue!) on the part of the American people to guard our liberty is the emergence of the fourth branch of government.

This fourth branch is the bureaucracy composed of departments and agencies in the federal government. In a House meeting in December of 2013, law professor Jonathan Turley noted to Congress that under the president at that time (Barack Obama) these federal agencies had become an independent branch of the government. It was worse under Obama than previously because of his blatant disregard for the separation of powers and the federal bureaucracy that is all too willing to ignore Congress (and the Constitution) as well.

An imperial presidency makes the environment ripe for a powerful fourth branch of government to flourish, especially when Congress gives its constitutional powers to these agencies and departments. And according to Turley, the SCOTUS refused to look at the separation of power issues while at the same time they tell these agencies that they can “define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.” When Congress refuses to use its constitutional powers, they disregard the original intent of the Constitution.

As an example of what the fourth branch of government looks like, one needs to look no further than the rules that flow from the regulatory agencies. These rules and regulations become as if they are laws. We have all read about these myriad abuses. The American people have to obey these rules or face prosecution. Joseph Postell (2012) writes in “From Administrative State to Constitutional Government:”

Although our civics textbooks still describe a government where Congress makes laws, the President executes laws, and courts adjudicate disputes, this is not the way our government actually works. Today, bureaucrats make law, execute law, and adjudicate. Although the laws made by agencies are called rules, they carry the force of law.

It’s important to maintain the separation of powers and as Turley also stated, this is something America needs to get back to right away. Enormous progress was made against the administrative state when in the recent Supreme Court case of West Virginia v. EPA as reported in the New York Post: “The Supreme Court rolled back the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants…dealing a massive blow to the Biden administration’s plans to fight climate change. The 6-3 decision overturned a lower court ruling that gave the federal agency virtually unlimited regulatory powers through the Clean Air Act.”

Unlimited regulatory powers! That is about as unconstitutional as you can get. It violates the principles of consent of the governed, separation of powers, and individual rights.The SCOTUS decision is an important move in dismantling the behemoth administrative state (aka fourth branch or “deep state”). The separation of powers was an important part of the Constitution to the Framers. In a letter to the Marquis de Lafayette, George Washington expressed his confidence in the Constitution and in the separation of powers. He wrote:

1st That the general Government is not invested with more powers than are indispensably necessary to perform [the] functions of a good Government; and, consequently, that no objection ought to be made against the quantity of Power delegated to it. 2ly That these Powers are so distributed among the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, into which the general Government is arranged, that it can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an Oligarchy, an Aristocracy, or any other despotic or oppressive form; so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the People.

The mention of virtue comes up often in the writings of the Founding Fathers. They knew that it was central to a successful Republic. When there is virtue in the people, the right men and women are elected to office that will use their Constitutional authority depending on which branch they serve in or are appointed to and will not usurp the powers of the other branches. The kind of public servants that are chosen is a barometer for the condition of the people. How does America’s barometer read?

[For more information on the balance of powers and the administrative state read my article “An End to Everything” at: http://shawcorp.com/2021/10/03/october-2021-issue/]