The Uncritical Thinker
Many politicians are banking on a majority of Americans who are uncritical in their thinking. Why? Because their ideas are that bad and they cannot be held up to the light of truth. Critical thinking skills have been removed from our education facilities through the silencing of opposing views and the elevated focus on emotions or feelings. These faux educators have helped to produce a culture that reacts emotionally to statements rather than analyzing them. This produces good little drones for they are literally locked out from being able to hear the truth.
Cultural Deconstruction
This culture of emotional drones cannot discern or reason, they just feel. They determine what is true or false based on how it makes them feel. All the reasoning in the world cannot reach such an individual and here is why. When we feel an emotion, it is based on a belief. By focusing on the emotion as a means or epistemology (the science of discerning truth), they short-circuit their ability to alter their worldview. Emotions are post beliefs, not pre beliefs. Hence, their core ideology never experiences challenges. They hear something and then react to how it makes them feel.
We see this method being employed especially in our universities and colleges, but it is also used in elementary and high schools. The faux educators have labeled those who do think critically as haters and offenders so that they can marginalize them through the emotions of this robotic culture. Critical thinking is paramount to the viability of ideas. The last thing that you want, if you are a slick politician, is a critical thinker who can see the flaw in your ideology.
The deconstructos want to eliminate God from the public square; they want to steal from the rich to give to the poor and call it charity; they want to allow the murder of the innocent in the womb and call it freedom of choice; they want to change the definition of marriage and call it love; they want to centralize power to control while silencing competing ideas that would reduce or eliminate their power; they want to control business through regulation; they want to rewrite our constitution and say that it is a living, breathing document. What they really want you to believe is that their way of governance is so profound, so right, so good, that it is beyond critique.
Emotional Manipulation
When someone does challenge their ideas, they recoil in feigned shock and outrage. They are hoping that you will join them in their outrage (emotion) rather than looking at the merits of their argument. This is an old trick to get you to look the other way while they slip it by you. Passion does not equate to truth. One can be passionately wrong. They want you to see their outrage as the evidence that they are right. The uncritical thinker will be fooled by this because, after all, it is emotion.
The critical thinker, on the other hand, will see through the smoke and mirrors but the uncritical thinker will allow emotion to rule the day. The uncritical thinkers are nothing more than ideological zombies that follow because that is what they were told to do, not because it is right.
Let us learn to critique every argument no matter what side of the aisle it stems from. Let us hold fast to those ideals that have been proven worthy of acceptance and implementation. Think through the politicians’ arguments to their conclusion. Don’t be fooled by question-begging epitaphs, red herrings, poisoning the well, passion, and sleight of hand. Any politician that engages in these tactics is attempting to shroud what is true. Dig deep and think critically!