Silence Is Not An Option





by Susan Snelling


“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” Socrates


The left has resorted to slander in recent years, attacking their political opponents with vicious lies and hoaxes even using lawfare through our DOJ, to attack and prosecute their political opponents. This is because they have for the most part lost the debate. They will stop at nothing to remain in power and gain even more. And they will push for more control. They will not want to give it up. If you’re paying attention the government has gone after our freedoms. They pushed it during the Covid pandemic through infringing on our right to assemble, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and more. Censorship rose to new heights.

They got by with it for a while. Both Democrat candidates at the top of the ticket in the upcoming election have strongly expressed their willingness to infringe on our freedoms, especially that of speech. This is not the election for Christians and conservatives to sit out because you don’t like the personality or temperament of a candidate who would otherwise be a solid choice. It is widely reported that only 40% of evangelicals who are registered to vote actually vote, and 30% of evangelicals are not even registered to vote. That is staggering and can make the difference in an election and even steer the direction of our country. It is a travesty the lack of involvement in the election process.

This is not the time for Christians to think they are above politics and that sitting out the election makes them holy somehow. And get over the idea that your vote doesn’t count. If you don’t vote then it surely won’t be counted. President Donald Trump says “too big to rig.” Your vote can help override some of the cheating the left engages in. Withholding your vote could cost us this Constitutional Republic. How can you say you love America and your fellow citizens and sit out this election? How can you ignore your responsibility to steward that which God has given us?

Our government was given to us by God. It is our duty to make certain we have the best leaders. Those who believe our rights come from God and that they shall not be infringed. By not voting you give ascent to the infringing of those rights, you give ascent to abortion, gender mutilation of the youth, and every other repressive evil deed that comes into the mind of man. You take on the sin of those you vote for or when you refuse to vote you are giving full approval to all those policies you abhor. We have clear choices. The demarcation between right and wrong, good and evil has never been clearer.  When we have our liberties in place with virtuous leaders, we can more fully walk out the will of God for our lives and for mankind in general. We want to protect the Constitution that the left wants to destroy.

We were entrusted by God with this nation and it’s our duty to protect the rights that come from Him; this is a gift from God and so then we fight for the correct representation of who He is. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence reflect the will of God for mankind and it is expected that we would protect it, fight for it, teach our children about it so that they too can know the Truth that God created all of this, He created them and knows their name, and we have rights that our government is supposed to protect so we can do the will of God for our lives. Yes, the Framers of the Constitution understood that.

Think about it. The Framers spelled out the will of God in the Declaration and the Constitution so we can self-govern and be as free as possible to serve Him fully. Do not be those who ignore your citizen duty to vote, and to vote wisely. Where do you want to fit in this time in history, as one who fought for what we’ve been given or sat it out. Your minimal citizen duty to protect all that God has given us, is to vote. The enemies of God and America have lost the debate so they’ve resorted to Republic ending and dishonest actions to gain and remain in control.

Now is not the time to remain silent, and especially to withhold our vote from the best candidates, from the candidates whose record, policies, and beliefs more closely assign with the Word of God, with protecting our inalienable rights. That person may not be perfect in certain policy areas but they are far better than what the Democrats have put forth. And we have to be in leadership to enact changes that lead to a more perfect outcome. Pay attention to the times and who God is raising up. Now is the time to take a stand, at a minimum do it at the voting booth.  The result of who we elect to office will affect every area of our lives. Silence in this election is not an option.





How Do We Choose?





by Rich Farm


“There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:  Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.”     ~ Proverbs 6:16-19

“We don’t want word to get out that we want to exterminate the negro population” ~ Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood)


In just thirty-five days Americans will be casting the most important vote in the history of America. If you have followed along over the past four years, we are on the precipice of a life altering election.  We have a choice between life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or a choice of something that doesn’t even remotely resemble what our founding fathers established.  It’s a choice between those who love America, and those who are systematically working to destroy it.  It is not so much about red versus blue, it is quite literally good versus evil.

We are inundated with a flood of information thanks to our wonderful internet and social apps.  As we utilize these items there is a flood of contradictory information, and everyone claims they are telling the truth.  So what are we to believe?  How do we sift through the misinformation, lies and distractions? We live in a relativistic society where it is ok for everyone to have “their truth”, meaning there are no absolutes.  Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way, a guideline so to speak to judge one’s words and actions by?  Wouldn’t it be great if there were absolutes?

Then we could measure one’s beliefs, actions and character by this so-called litmus test, and maybe, just maybe come to a reasonable conclusion of what leaders would be great for our country.  Martin Luther King Jr. once said there will come a day when we can judge a man not by the color of their skin but on the content of their character.  I’m thinking these might be some starters to evaluating who our leaders should be.

  1. A person who fears God
  2. A person of truth
  3. Those who hate dishonest gain

It is generally likely that if a person holds to a true belief and active faith in the Creator of the universe, they will likely be following their Creator’s moral absolute code.  Those who don’t will tend to live by the motto, “the ends justify the means”.  Simply put they can justify their actions as long as it suits them in the end.  There also is an ancient proverb that says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”

Once we set these as out basis for judging, we then need to look at the belief systems and track records of their time in service.  Can we point to examples of any of these that would help us make a decision? While most in today’s government are trying to separate church and state, we had one that held up a bible and said we are going to go by what’s in here.  Meaning this book has a standard on how to live and make decisions.  How about number 3, dishonest gain?  I remember it being said that a former president donated all of his salary and served America like many of our founders did with no pay.  He saw it as a duty not as a paycheck.  Yet our current president has scandal after scandal of ties to foreign nations so he and his family can profit.

Let’s look at what I feel is the most important determining factor to making a decision, the issue of life.  The abomination of shedding innocent blood.  This can apply to so much under this current administration.  First and foremost, the absolute need to defend a pro-murder stance with lives in the womb.  They dehumanize the baby as a blob of tissue or a fetus, never acknowledging the unique personhood of this being that has their own set of DNA.  Much like the pro-slavery people dehumanized the negro population and Hitler the Jews.  The reason to make a case against the fact that they are a separate human being is to absolve their conscience of any wrong doing.  However, if they can do this with a baby, what’s to say they won’t do it with the elderly, the poor, the Christian, or dissenters against their agenda.  Ultimately if you can’t get it right on something as simple as life, as basic as knowing a boy from a girl, and what bathroom to go into then you are not fit to run a nation such as ours.

Let’s look at another situation.  The flooding of illegals across our borders, with many of them being proven drug runners, sex traffickers, criminals and others.  Which has led to multiple rapes and homicides in some of our towns and cities across America.  What does this administration do, or don’t do?  They don’t shut down the border to curb the ever-growing problem.  They turn a blind eye to the facts, and act as if nothing is happening.  I think if we can apply the principles from the opening verse above and the 3 points within this article then we can pick for ourselves a leader who cares and will have America’s best interest at heart.

We have to take this year’s election seriously.  And as I stated in last month’s article, we have to cast down our political idols, and vote sensibly.  Look at the track records of the candidates’ actions and not what the main stream media is spewing out.  The future of this country and our posterity is at stake.  Again, ask your self are you better than you were 4 years ago?  I’ll end with a quote from Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, when the knight that was guarding the holy grail, “you must choose, but choose wisely”.  Our choice this year could very well be the choice that leads America to continued life or death as a nation.