Cast Down Your Political Idols




by Rich Farm


“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.”     ~ Exodus 20:4

“Either you will control your government or your government will control you” ~ Ronald Reagan


For decades our leadership have created an atmosphere of divisiveness and disunity. They have successfully pitted the American people against each other; colored against white, male against female, rich versus poor, vax’d versus unvax’d, left versus right, republican and democrat.  The reason they do this is because the more we are distracted in fighting against each other, the less likely we are to pay attention to their efforts to keep us in a form of slavery.  These divisions tend to influence us when we go to the polls.  Both sides tend to use fearmongering and emotional manipulation to sway us in support of their agenda.  Some are so die-hard party loyal they fail to recognize the failures of their own party.  Their mindset “my daddy voted that way, his daddy voted that way, his daddy before him voted that way, it’s just what we do”.  We see this mentality throughout society, not only in politics.  We see it in the church and in our work places.  We come accustomed to a way of doing things or a belief that we continue it for the sake of “this is how it’s always been done.”  Ultimately, we have to ask ourselves are we getting the results we desire?  If not, why?  What could possibly be done to obtain different results?

I think Ronald Reagan said it best in a debate in 1980 against Jimmy Carter, “Are you better off than you were four years ago? Is it easier to go buy things in the store? Is there less unemployment than there was four years ago?  Is America as respected as it was?”  If we are honest with ourselves, I believe the answer is a resounding NO!  Just looking at gas alone there was an increase of about 45%.  Let’s not stop there, look back to the covid year, how many remember being limited with how much food and toilet paper we could buy?  I just frequented my local Sam’s Club and they are at it again, there was a 2-case limit on eggs. I feel like this is just a prequel to what is coming down the pipeline if we don’t make some serious changes.  We need to ask ourselves what is truly best for our country.  Beyond that we can even take it to a micro level, what is best for our city or town? What is best for our family.  Now is not the time for party loyalty. Now is the time to save America.  Not any one politician or party will have it right all the time.  However, if you are in the slightest stirred from your slumber you will see that the left has been infiltrated by straight up communists.  The democratic party of today is not the same as the one from JFK.   So how do we make the right decision?

I’m reminded of Moses when he was leading the Israelites through the desert.  He was on the verge of being burnt out and his father-in-law saw this.  His suggestion was to place men over the people in sort of a hierarchy.  With this suggestion also came qualifications that were required for those positions of leadership.  Let’s look and see what Jethro’s suggestion was.  Exodus 18:21 says, “Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain…”  I believe it would be safe to say that based on the qualifications listed, many who hold seats in our government should not even be there.  We don’t have to look much farther than the current occupant of the White House.  He fails the test for each of those qualifications.  If you do even the least amount of research of his tenure in politics you will see his position of abortion, gender issues, and his dealings with foreign nations.  Politicians today seem to leave office with a greater net worth than when they started their “service”.  Contrast this with the founders of this nation.  They gave up their very livelihood to serve this country for a set number of years.  They sacrifice their families and businesses and farms for the hope of freedom from tyranny.

It is time to cast down our political idols and begin to really understand what a true leader looks like based on these qualifications above.  We need to have a common sense approach to fiscal responsibilities, border control and abortion.  If we ran our family budgets the way the government does theirs we’d be broke, busted and probably in jail.  If we didn’t secure our homes with locks and gates how long would it be before someone helped themselves to our property and even worse our family?  Their beliefs will affect all decisions they make.  So lets walk this last one out, abortion.  They wrap it with a pretty little bow that it’s their right to choose.  It’s the women’s body so she has the ability to determine what happens to it.  The truth is this little being inside of her has its own unique genetic coding. The deceptive tactic to get people to believe this is to devalue the humanity of the being.  They call it a fetus instead of a baby, or worse a parasite.  If you devalue the humanness of the child it gives you a pass on your conscience.  So if they do this with children, what’s next?  The elderly?  People of color?  The poor?  The list could be endless, and since they don’t fear God (maybe even think of themselves as gods) the sky is the limit of who could be exterminated.  Ultimately no one is safe with this type of thinking.  When people have no standard of morality they could change like the wind changes directions.

So I challenge you, cast down your idols and false beliefs.  Do your research and don’t go based on if the candidate is likeable or not.  It would be prudent to ask yourselves the same questions that Ronald Reagan asked in his debate speech.  Are we really better off now than before.  Do you really think change for the better will happen with the same party that has already royally screwed the American people the last few years? Dig deep and find a solid litmus test to compare your candidates to.  My suggestion would be to start with the 10 commandments.  These are the best guidance we have to relate to God and man in the best way possible.  Do your duty to cast your vote this November.  It will not only affect you for the next four years but will affect the generations to come.



A Higher Law: Why We Are Entitled





by Susan Snelling


The Founding Fathers were not ignorant of the enormous historical import of the Declaration of Independence as depicted in the opening statement in the Declaration: When in the Course of human events … The Founders knew they were a part of something of enormous historical importance; something that was divinely inspired. America was an idea from the mind of God. John Adams wrote, “I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in Providence for the illumination of the ignorant, and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.” The Founders knew that their mission was a Divine one, and that the hand of Divine Providence was guiding them.

The first paragraph of the Declaration says: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

The Founders had decided that it was time to separate from Great Britain, and to dissolve the political bands with them.  They were entitled to be an equal and separate entity from Great Britain. This was designed no less according to the order of certain higher universal laws which is the Law of God the Creator as evidenced in the phrase, “Laws of God and of Nature’s God.”

The Founders are referring to the laws that the Creator established for the governance of all things; these are the laws of Creation. There is nothing that is not covered under God’s governance. All of nature is under the command and authority of God as well as every single person. Through this statement, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, the Founders are saying that their right to be free came from God, not man. Man entitles us to nothing, but God, the Creator of all things, does entitle us.

Since the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, the Creator, entitles us then our first allegiance is to the Creator. The will of the Creator is above the laws of man and above the Constitution itself. Our rights come from God. If we as American can come together on this alone there is hope for America to be saved. This is a reason why atheism is not compatible with our Constitution. For more information on this particular subject see Mark Shaw’s “How the Growth of Atheism Endangers Our Republic,” June 2021, at, Voice in the Wilderness Newsletter.

The patriots knew which government works best, and that is one that recognizes that rights come from God. Since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, and throughout the years that led up to the signing of the Declaration, that had been the case. However, it was time to form a union; to unify the Colonies as United States that would be separate from all other nations in the world. These United States would also be equal amongst all the nations of the world.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Founders recognized that our rights come from God, not man, not government. If rights came from government, then government could take those rights away. This word “endowed” gives the idea of permanence. This is not something fleeting or temporary. The endower is the Creator. The Creator has gifted all men with certain inalienable rights. The word “inalienable” means that those rights cannot be transferred to another or repudiated. They are unassailable and absolute.

It is incumbent upon Americans to not forget where their rights or liberties come from otherwise the result is a loss of those liberties. Thomas Jefferson said, “Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people, that these liberties are a gift from God?”

It needs to be the basis of securing our liberty that Americans are unified that our rights come from God. Notice where we are at today with our rights trampled upon by our government both state and federal. Departments and agencies of the government run by bureaucrats are weaponized in every way by the prevailing political party against those who hold other views. Lady Justice is no longer blindfolded and the scales are weighted against those the government looks down on.

People fear the government not the other way around and we know what that means. Samuel Adams said, “If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” There must be that core belief what America is established upon, that our rights come from God. Our first allegiance is to God, not even the Constitution.

The Constitution is meant to constrain the government, not the people. Pray for America, pray for our experienced patriots. Pray for those who are wrongly told through the pulpit to stay out of politics, to be silent. Pray for those who put themselves and their livelihoods in jeopardy to do their citizen duty. May we be united in this belief of the great Source of all our rights, the One who endows us.