In Their Honor




by Susan Snelling


The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence

In light of the recent Minnesota Democrat-controlled House and Senate codifying into law one of the most extreme abortion bills in America, I decided this month to post an article on abortion I wrote years ago. The word “light” does not even fit as this bill was designed in darkness and shows the complete and utter depravity of the lawmakers who made it possible. Here is the piece I wrote in honor of the lives of our precious little fellow Americans and their God-given destinies that were cut short. The article was originally entitled “Providence and National Sins.”

The American flag stands awash in a sea of blood. The blood of Founders and Framers and named and unnamed patriots who lay in flag-draped caskets or on battlefields while on missions far from home. They lie in the heart of every American who enjoys the freedoms secured for this nation. But there are stars and stripes that are not fitting for full-staff, perhaps only half-staff at best. Better yet, turn it upside down, for this is a nation in distress and in many sectors it does not even know it.

Just as the blood of patriots spilled for this once great nation calls out for justice; the blood of an entire generation of those unborn but terminated cries out from their early graves. Found in dumpsters and toilet bowls and cylinders meant for medical refuge, the silent bellowing of these future patriots rends Heaven’s air. We who are mere mortals may never hear their voices and their silence to us is deafening, but their Creator is attuned to their pleas. The sea of bodies that were meant to be citizens of the United States lay silent, breathless, never given a chance to live out their destinies. America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, has become a refuse and garbage dump for millions of lives created by God and knit together lovingly in their mothers’ wombs. It is a national holocaust of enormous proportions when over 50 million and counting, males and females, have their lives stolen from them.

The lies of the modern American left have brought one of the most egregious national sins upon America. They lied to the new mothers that abortion is safe and a healthy alternative. The Church stood by silently except for a few quarters while Heaven beheld the unquenchable stench of a nation turned to their basest and most deep-seeded hatred of all that is holy. The word “deep-seeded” is not a mistake. Instead of “deep-seated.” The word seeded is used instead of seated because it is the result of seeds planted in the minds of men and women everywhere through our educational system, the mainstream media, even some political and religious leaders. Proponents of abortion exchanged their own freedom and prosperity for the right to take the life of their own because they are not really free and prosperity is relative.

It has been said that if the Founding Fathers had the modern technology that we have today, they would say that life began at conception. Their held belief was that life began when the mother first felt the baby move. We have more knowledge now through scientific advancement that life begins far before that happens. The unjust murder for convenience. The women are lied to so they believe that abortion is acceptable and even in some cases preferable. And yet those who have not become reprobate and hardened from suppressing the truth suffer from the deep knowledge that they took the life of their own. The pain they hold within has ramifications and so do their actions. God forgives them when they turn to Him and binds up their wounds. But there is always someone else who is entering the same journey based on the lies of the proponents of abortion.

Our children cry out from the graves. There must be retribution you know. A nation that does not nationally repent of its sins will receive the just harvest from the seed they have sown. Everything is seedtime and harvest the Bible says and so it is. America has sown wickedness through lies and deception to countless men and women that it is good and permissible to kill your unborn child and it is even promoted amongst the youth. Haughty academicians, news reporters, and media types, savvy in wickedness, promote it to the world.

What other national sins have America engaged in and not repented or turned away from? Where is the sorrow and shame for immorality promoted amongst the youth, attempting to corrupt an entire generation? Attempting to abort them from their God-designed purposes? Rob them of their destinies and assure that this great Republic will come under judgment? The Founding Fathers understood a great principle of divine providence and that was that individuals are judged during the Great White Throne judgment at the end of history as we know it, but nations are judged in the here and now. Where does America stand? Will there be national repentance for national sins?

George Mason, famous American Revolutionary Statesman, and Delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, “Father of the Bill of Rights” said:: “Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgement of heaven upon a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins, by national calamities.” We can do whatever we can to push back against bad legislation and bad legislators, and the progressives who would take us spiraling fast toward socialism or some other “ism” but until there is repentance for those things that are an affront to the Almighty we will see limited success.

Let the unborn cry out and those wronged on many fronts get their justice. What will it take, America, to wake you up to your purpose and destiny, as a protector of the inalienable rights of all born and yet to be born? “The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” seems to be a forgotten phrase by the liberal left unless they are applying it to themselves. However, it is not a selective edict. It applies to all, born and unborn. To those who think God does not judge a nation for national sins do not understand the God of the Bible. They want to live in a fantasy world. Even Thomas Jefferson, who the left likes to say was not a Christian, grasped the concept of the nature and character of God when he said, “I tremble for my country to think that God is just and will not be quiet forever.”