Are Moderates Not So Good?



by Susan Snelling


A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice. Thomas Paine


The principles our Founding Fathers stood on in our nation’s creation were not arbitrary but absolutes.  There was no gray area of middle ground. Moderation in principle falls prey to every manner of depraved and corrupt behavior. It results in a weak and ineffectual body politic at the least, and at the most, it is completely and wholly destructive to the republican form of government and is an enemy to the people. Moderation in principle produces the kinds of politicians that cannot stand up to those who violate the Constitution. This frustrates constitutionalists because they cannot make any headway with them in seeking justice and protection of our inalienable rights. They are the back benders to the opposition and oftentimes stand diametrically opposed to the very principles they ran on to get our votes. They govern more in tune with the progressives and liberals that would take our country away from the Founding principles. Moderation is not a strength but a weakness. It allows for corruption to flourish and tyranny to edge its way into the national stage.

Endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights” stands the progressives, the liberals, and the statists on their heads. It makes them weary of competing against the Maker of mankind. They congratulate their way into programs and messes that would make King George III envy what they have been able to accomplish. The Framers of the Constitution wanted to protect our inalienable rights with republicanism, and progressivism, Marxism, and other bad “isms” stand opposed. That is why Ronald Reagan thought moderates did not make sense for the Republican Party. He said, “We don’t intend to turn the Republican Party over to the traitors in the battle just ended. We will have no more of those candidates who are pledged to the same goals as our opposition and who seek our support. Turning the Party over to the so-called moderates wouldn’t make any sense at all.”

There must remain a group of people who stand opposed to those who would fundamentally transform America into something that the Founding Fathers would not recognize; into something that bears little resemblance to the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution tell us who we are as a people. When those who think moderation is the way to govern, we give up something of our identity. The progressives want to change our identity. They want us to see ourselves as something other than what our Founding Fathers envisioned and knew that we are. When we lose our identity into the abyss of moderation, we move perilously close to the basic ideology of the progressives and that can only lead to a loss of our freedoms.

On July 17, 1775, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail: “But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” The loss of liberty should alarm every citizen. Moderation in principle will take us away from liberty. There was nothing moderate about the Founding Fathers. The Constitution was not the result of moderate forces aligning with progressives or any other ideology not compatible with a republic. Nothing has changed from Thomas Paine’s observation. If anyone understood what it took to maintain freedom the Founders did. We would do well to heed their warnings.

Ronald Reagan was right, a moderate is antithetical to a free people, to a people who stand strong and fight the forces that would destroy our Christian founding and dismantle that which was carefully laid at the foundation of America’s birth. Those are the principles of right and goodness that were part of this great experiment, the greatest nation on earth where God’s will for mankind bears out in the Declaration of Independence. The moderates or RINOS as some are referred to often grovel and cower at the feet of their progressive counterparts, afraid to rock the boat, wanting to be loved by the left-wing media and politicians, and praised by all the wrong people. I believe the Founding era would’ve referred to them as turncoats or a similar moniker. The Founders took a stand. It is long past time to take a stand. Where do you stand? Does the government serve you as God intended, or do you serve the government?



The Importance of Family



by Rich Farm


“looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people of His own possession, zealous for good deeds.” ~ Titus 2:13-14

“As Christians we are not here for our own purpose at all—we are here for the purpose of God, and the two are not the same” ~ Oswald Chambers


Society and culture are a reflection of our family influence.  The breakdown of society can be traced back to a breakdown in our family units.  Where there is dysfunction in society there is first dysfunction in our families, and more so dysfunction in us as individuals.  If we are not happy with the way society and culture are currently, we need to ask ourselves some hard questions, like how did we get here? What have we allowed that has produced the fruit we are seeing? What lies have we believed?  What do we need to do practically to make it better?  First, we must realize we just didn’t wake up one day and get to where we are as a society, it was a gradual process of seeds sown in the field of belief that have matured and produced this crop.  The simple reality is we reap what we sow.

Let’s take a trip back to the original family, Adam and Eve.  When God created man and woman, He said it was very good.  They were the perfect model of relationship with each other and with God before they had any knowledge of good or evil.  However, after they chose to sin against God, they broke that perfect fellowship with God and with each other, then sin and decay had the right to come in and create havoc.  Man’s and woman’s relationship with each other was forever changed, both try to vie for positions of authority and worthiness. Instead of seeing each other as equals in God, they now try to one-up each other.  This cancerous attempt for power and self-preservation is then passed through the ages.  When you have 7 billion people serving el numero uno (self), a lot can go wrong.  This is why Jesus focused a lot on serving others and dying to self.  Only when we die to self, do we have any hope of restoring the natural balance of things back to the way God intended it to be.  We do need to understand though it will be an uphill battle and there is a force of resistance to our desire to restore the nuclear family.

We see this through the attempts of media, arts & entertainment, education, and all other facets of influence in our culture trying to diminish and pervert the family unit.  Husband and wife are designed to be a reflection of who God is.  We are His image bearers.  When that image is perverted or destroyed others cannot see the one True God.  Now let’s pause right here for a moment; no family will be perfect in representing God as we should. Families will fail and falter because individuals fail and falter, but the idea is to continually be progressing toward what God wants of us and not what we want of ourselves.  We should always be conforming to the image of God and not molding God into an image we desire.  Now back to the mountains of influence in society, we see a deliberate attempt to destroy this image we are supposed to bear.

Through movies and the internet, we see major agendas to destroy the family.  Porn being the biggest, it has devalued women to make them think they have to look and act a certain way to get and keep a man.  For men, it has become cancer in the soul to replace reality with fantasy.  This fantasy becomes an escape which then destroys true relationships and could permanently damage them.  It creates insecurity in the entirety of the home from husband and wife to the children, everything becomes like a foundation of sand never knowing when it could possibly wash out from under us.  We see it through kids programming especially with Disney.  They continue to push a gay agenda which again takes away and perverts this image of God because God created male AND female.  That is His Truth, it is His reality, and as I stated before we should be conforming to His reality not our own.

We also see it with education.  It is not hidden anymore, they want to sexualize and pervert our children as young as four with transgenderism and garbage they are claiming is “sex ed”.  I remember a day when parents were able to pull their kids out of classes if they didn’t agree with what was being taught or didn’t think it was age appropriate.  Now if they can’t hide it from parents, they just shut parents’ voices down by not allowing them to speak their concerns at the school board meetings.  They have basically deemed themselves as the sole authority in children’s lives for those eight-plus hours.  We can go on for pages on the different sectors of society that have contributed to the decline of the nuclear family but if we see the problem, we need to see how to fix it.

Our first step has to be to stand up and say enough is enough.  We have to resolve to fight. To say you will not take my children, my marriage, my community.  Next, we need to do everything to be empowered by God to repair and restore broken relationships within our immediate family.  As I stated earlier, we are individuals with a sin and brokenness problem and it spreads from there, so the opposite can be true that if we begin to allow healing within ourselves and our families it will spread well through our communities and eventually through the sectors of society that have been used to dismantle us.  As we restore our families we teach and train our children how to do the same.  We have so allowed the wedges of busyness and technology to separate us.  It is time to reunite some good old fashion quality family time.  It is time to take back what is ours.  Our time and our family. More so us men have to set the example to humble ourselves and admit we may have dropped the ball in being the leaders God created us to be and repent for our shortcomings and move toward restoration and healing.