by Rich Farm
Our strength as a nation comes in our unity. We are the United States of America, not the divided states. And those who want to divide us are trying to divide us, and we shouldn’t let them do it. Ben Carson
Where there is unity there is always victory. Publilius Syrus
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9
This world seems to be growing ever darker. You can just flip on the news and watch all the chaos and wonder when will it all stop. We are living in a day and age where evil is good and good is evil, just as the Prophet Isaiah said. What was once abhorrent and shameful, is now praised as something that is good and acceptable, and that which was once revered as wholesome is now seen as closed-minded and bigoted. Those who have been holding to the prophetic promises over this nation but not really seeing the fruition of it can become very disheartened.
Many of us even experience an assault on our freedoms and ability to choose what is right for us and our family, even in the workplace. What is worse is that many have been deceived to just go along with it for the “greater good”. Sometimes we can feel like we are the only ones wanting to take a stand, but then do we really have the courage to do so? One could ask one’s self what am I to do? I’m only one voice, I won’t have an effect on anything. But don’t forget even the smallest pebble can send ripples across the pond; imagine what two, three, four, twenty pebbles would do? You will not know what you are capable of until you step out and combine your faith and courage with God’s plan for you. You may even see yourself as a pebble but God sees you as a rock, however, you will never know sitting on the sidelines allowing them to silence your voice. Sometimes others just need that one voice to stand and encourage others to do the same. Much like a snowball rolling down a hillside, it continues to grow as it collects more snow all the way down.
So, it is with our stand for justice and righteousness. One voice can turn into twenty which can turn into hundreds and can turn into millions. It doesn’t matter if you are the spark or the kindling that caught from that spark. The truth of the matter is that the same patriot flame will burn bright and consume us all as we allow ourselves to work together to be that voice in the wilderness. As pointed out in a previous article we are not meant to be passive, we are called to be a catalyst for change. Our commission is to advance God’s kingdom and establish a resistance in this present darkness. It sounds quite cliché, and we hear it all the time in the charismatic circles, but you really were born for such a time as this. Out of all the eras of time God chose this moment in history to place you for a purpose.
It’s time to rise up and say, ‘Yes God’. It’s time to believe our purpose and pursue God’s mission of the ministry of reconciliation. Our job is to reconcile man to God, and that can take a variety of forms from actual ministry to counseling to politics to education. We need to be placed on what one brother called the seven mountains. We are to be the influencers for the Glory of God, we should not become the influenced. Don’t be like the ten spies that gave the bad report because they were fearful, instead, stand with the courage of God and be the next Joshua and Caleb for this generation. This is not just about us and it never has been. The future generations are at stake if we passively sit by and allow this communistic agenda to take full root and bear fruit.
Let me leave you with this. Imagine a nation where you can’t voice your opinion without fear of being killed. You cannot worship as you choose. A country whose education system is humanism promoting every ungodly unspeakable evil they can and you cannot do anything about it. Your children are being inundated day in day out with this indoctrination. Churches are scarce and are underground. As much as you try to influence for Christ, your kids are slipping further and further away because the multitudes of voices they have around them are countering your faith. Imagine that deception setting in and rooting in their hearts to the point of walking away from the faith you tried so hard to instill, now they are lost forever. This is what we are up against. We seem to be on the fast track now in this country to this picture but we still have time to stand against it, push back, and turn the tide. We can do this if we stand as one voice with boldness and purpose.
by Susan Snelling
Voting is the foundational act that breathes life into the principle of the consent of the governed. DeForest Soaries
What happens when that foundational act is stolen from the people; when their vote doesn’t count and consent of the governed is violated? You end up with lesser people in leadership, mediocre individuals who rule over the people through their inner tyrant that arises when imbued with any kind of power.
The power grab in the election of 2020 through theft has ramifications that continue today and will far into the future. Democrats ram through legislation that is antithetical to the great American Republic. Those in power issue edicts that violate the Constitution and make decisions that are destructive to the nation. This is what you get. What we see today. So how did it happen?
In August 2021, Mike Lindell of My Pillow held a Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, SD where he presented evidence of vote manipulation through election tabulation machines that were connected to the internet. (They are not supposed to be connected). At the Symposium, experts provided explanations of how the steal occurred through both foreign and domestic entities. Forensic teams traced the source of the data “packets” of information sent to manipulate the vote back to their IP addresses, many of them in China. The hack was traced directly to the vote tabulation machines in the county precinct offices.
Dr. Douglas Frank was one of the many experts and scientists involved in the investigation. Dr. Frank and other researchers found vote manipulation occurred through the use of algorithms inserted into the voting machines. So, it wasn’t the voter who determined the election but the algorithms. In his presentation at the Symposium, Dr. Frank explained that prior to the election, the outcome for each state is predetermined based on voter registration. An inflated database of registered voters (from the 2010 Census) for what Frank calls “a credit line of phantom voters” from which hackers can manipulate the outcome is created. Through the algorithm, those adjustments are made before, during, and after the election. He said, “votes are decided at the state level and controlled at the county level.” If you think your state or county is not impacted, researchers would disagree. Basically, every county in America is “hacked and tracked.”
At the end of the Symposium, the real results of the election were presented showing the states that were flipped from Trump to Biden. Even in the states where Trump lost, the results showed that he lost by less than originally determined, and in states where he originally won, he won by a larger margin. It affected not only the votes for president but down-ballot candidates as well. Note that this is only one of the avenues of voter theft that took place during the 2020 election.
Recall, everyone thought Donald Trump was winning on election evening but then something happened overnight. Vote counting came to a halt in key swing states and then suddenly the Trump lead reversed with Biden taking his place. The crooks stopped the machines in those states because they had not anticipated so many votes for Trump and they had to scramble to generate enough votes to change the outcome. The effects of the vote steal of 2020 are profound.
Alexander Hamilton said, This process of election affords a moral certainty that the office of President will seldom fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. When an election is stolen the people are not afforded that “moral certainty” and they are left with the lowest of the lot. Barack Obama said, There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter. If only the votes mattered for the millions of Americans whose votes were counted for the candidate they did not choose or were disregarded altogether or countered through the mass influx of suspicious ballots for the opposing candidate or voided through other means. So, a nice sentiment, Obama, but only legitimate votes should matter. Election fraud is an egregious act. It violates what is special about America and turns our Constitution on its head.
Plato said, One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. One of the most basic duties of every citizen is to cast an informed vote, and honest elections are important so we end up with the best leaders. Stolen elections take the vote away from those who participated. Joe Biden did not win the election and neither did some down-ballot candidates. The American people must know the truth. All those involved in the theft must be held accountable. Honest and secure elections must be assured. Consent of the governed must be restored.
*If you want an in-depth presentation of voter fraud in the 2020 election, please check out the documentaries and Cyber Symposium on and