Assault on Genesis

There have been many attacks against Christianity in America ranging the gamut of public and private criticism, all the while ignoring the facts.  At first, each of these anti-Christian sentiments seemed without merit, but with each turn of the screw, the opposition to religious freedom in America has intensified.  During the last couple of years, I have taken note of a specific area of these attacks; that which is against the authenticity of The Book of Genesis.  Christianity in this nation has been under attack for decades, with forces trying to discredit the Bible’s value to society as a whole.  Yet, all those former attacks seem to pale in comparison to the deepening focus of the evolutionist’s target on the Book of Beginnings.

Targeting the source of our Judeo-Christianity history should come as no surprise to anyone who has been following the progression or should I say the regression of principles in our nation.  The forces of evolution have been trying to convince our children that Christianity had no great effect on the history of this nation as they were promoting the wholesale religion of evolution for more than fifty years.  Our public schools are overrun with teachers, professors, and administrative leaders who are a result of the indoctrination mill we known as public education.  These same “educators” are doing their best to pass on their beliefs to an unsuspecting audience of ready minds.

Why target a specific book of the Bible?  I gave a clue by mentioning Genesis as the Book of Beginnings.  The Book of Genesis is a historical document.  Each and every chapter is filled with a record of when, where, what, who, and how.  It records generation after generation of families, lands, and events that occurred.  In a world that seems to be hyper-consumed by a deep need to learn of one’s genealogy like, who might our great-great grandparents have been to the nth generation, there is a concentrated attack against the authenticity of the Book, the very book which takes us all back to our real roots.