Silk threads so delicate and thin
Holding me close to you within.
A soft and mellow glow
In a child of six would grow.
Green grass beneath my back
Clouds above me as I stare.
Searching for your face
Hand blocking the bright sun's glare.
I knew even then as I laid there
We were woven together as one.
A small child and God together
Never to be undone.
I give thanks for a Sunday school teacher's word.
Who told me I would always be heard.
No matter where I was
You would listen from high above.
Watching me as I grew
and holding me close to you.
All knowing, all forgiving.
The son of the God I love.
As the years passed and I grew
I knew I could count on you.
To be there in every way.
No matter the sadness of my day.
Through the tragedy of my true love.
A husband taken so quickly away.
But you showed me what was to come.
In a dream the night before.
I saw the soldiers pull up.
Saw them at my door.
They came with words of sorrow.
My first thought of no tomorrow.
But you held my hand again.
You kept me within your glow.
That dream becoming my reality.
You let me grieve and also let me know.
That I could go on without him there.
But forever in my heart he'd be.
There with me to love.
There with YOU and me.
So the years passed by.
With trials awaiting me still.
But through them all you were there.
Holding my hand and strengthening my will.
Another marriage too soon.
WE made it through that as well.
Then cancer ravaging me.
A challenge and living hell.
Yet again WE made it through.
With your guidance and my belief in YOU.
WE'VE come a long way together.
With miles still yet to go.
But my faith will never waver.
And your hand will never let go.
So weave your cloth of grace.
Putting that smile upon my face.
Silken threads so delicate and thin.
Holding me close to you within..
Thank you Ohidunno!! (((hugs))) May God bless you.