1999 Chat Room Reunion

Pensacola Florida

The Reunion was held on April 16th, 17th, and 18th at Fort Pickens on the Santa Rosa Island

Steph95 and her husband Karl

Livings and BooJade meeting with Oldtimer and Judy watching

Free&Happy with Husband WarriorsChild and Mr. Youthreach

Kaozzie sitting and Always4Him standing

Livings and Mississsippi


Standing is Kaozzie and Mrs. Youthreach. Sitting is BooJade, and wife Brenda, Kasey (Always4Him's daughter) with Amanda (Livings daughter) on lap

Marybuttons, and BooJade


BooJade and wife Brenda with Marlene (free2live's friend)

The three amigos...Bluegulf, Oldtimer and Mr. Youthreach

Marybuttons and BooJade

Lawboss and Sizlin

Kasey (Always4Him's daughter), and Amanda (Livings daughter)


GLPN and Safire

Judy (BlueGulf's wife)

Nasa and Kathy530

Silent Thunder and Oldtimer

One of the many fires in Florida

Karl (Steph95's husband) and Kaozzie

Nasa explaining the death of self through baptism to Kaozzie

Nasa killing Kaozzie's old man through baptism LOL

Nasa leaving the scene of the crime. ROFLOL

Pensacola Beach from our Hotel room

Kathy's friends roflol

Mississsippi and Livings LOL

Freeandhappy and Oldtimer

The List of Those That Attended

Bluegulf and Wife Judy
Freeandhappy and Warriorschild
Silent Thunder and Misssissippi
Nasa Chen and Kathy530
Always4Him and her daughter Kasey
Sizzlin and Lawboss
Steph95 and her husband Karl
Boo Jade and his wife Brenda
Safire and Son Joey
Mary Buttons
Mr. and Mrs. Youthreach (Darrell & Kelly)
Free2Live and Marlene Brown

If you want to check out Pensacola for your self, click this link. Pensacola Beach

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